This is quite the turbulent time that we are living in. This statement, “that which you don’t condemn, you condone”, takes on a very significant meaning in these times of unrest. Just take a look at all the protests going on around the country regarding social injustice and you will see those feelings are now more than ever coming to the surface. But this statement also rings true in virtually all aspects of our lives. Coaches and teachers, do you allow or look the other way when your athletes or students are doing things they shouldn’t be doing? Parents, do you allow or look the other way when your kids break your rules or do things they shouldn’t be doing? Continue to fight the good fight. That which you don’t condemn, you condone. Let’s continue to do the right thing for the right reasons.

Jesus is our Savior. I hope you do too. How do you think we came to this earth and who did the BIG BANG? I know who it was and I am a follower of Christ. I have been since I was 4 and now I am 17. Jesus is my savior and He is also MY PROTECTOR and I hope you can say the same thing.
I am a big fan of BTS too but Jesus comes first with Jesus.
This is my analysis of: "Sermon The Idiotic Arguments For Homosexuality."
1. it is not what you read. It is what you become. The church is cannibalizing people with their words. That makes Left people who take it a step further.
2. Don't church people know about the marriage supper of the lamb? Males and females will be married to Jesus. Jesus will be in their minds. All will be married to each other.
3. What is bad about life being attracted to life?
6. Genisis 19 – 9 was about one person judging the beings in Lot's house. Legal system is all about judging in a condemning way. God did not save Lot from being edified by Sodomites. God,…
A condemning person needs to condemn evil Spirits that are in them. Those cursing spirits want gods image to be like their condemning selves. Humans who don't resist those demons will end up perishing with those demons in light that shines from Jesus. Those demons see Jesus in a person, not letting the condemning person know that a demon is looking upon Jesus in a person. The doctrines the commandments of men is used against them. The person thinks they are obeying God. They are obeying Satan who is hiding in their mind. They are born of fornication needing to be reborn. They are like Christs enemies. Satan is a colorful being not looking like what the catholic church want…
Jezebel made people to hide. Jezebel was like the Sodomites. Angelic beings hid in Lot's house. Sodomistic minds built the Church and Legal system. Christs enemies were like the defiled religious sodomites. None of them were gay. It is the opposite to what the church taught. The catholic church wants people to be fire givers to end up seeing God as fire on the last day. The mind of the Unseen Father needs to be in our mind. They will be on a rock not condemning people who engage in an act that they themselves engage in.
Church and state are working as one making people think they are free not being free. No one is able to ask for…
They that condemn are their own worst enemy. We have blood in us. Jesus had blood in him. Jesus would have sinned had he thrown a stone. You save you with how you are. Don't have the righteousness of Christs enemies. Money that came in 1492 causes injustice. It causes people to condemn the fatherless and widow. That would not happen had the Unseen Father control us like he controlled jesus. Kids need to be taught this: we are made in God's image. We are not our own. We are bought with a price. Kids and all need to be told this. It is up to them to take that to heart.